Client Story: BDR team turnaround

Industry: SaaS
Target market: Enterprise data
Funding: Series C, $100M+

Catalyst for NFS's Involvement

New VP’s Conditional Employment

When a two-time previous customer of NFS was in talks to join the client as the Vice President of Demand Generation, she was clear about one thing: she wouldn't take on managing the BDR team unless she could bring NFS along from the get-go. Her insistence on incorporating NFS’s “no fluff” methodologies was one non-negotiable to set up her role and team for success.

When NFS started working with the BDR team, they encountered several critical issues that were impeding the team's performance. A deep assessment revealed problems across various facets of the BDR operations which needed comprehensive interventions including the following:

  • Frequent Outbound Changes: The BDR team was subjected to constantly changing strategies, including the technologies and processes they were supposed to adhere to in order to generate more outbound meetings. Due to the regular shifts in tactics and strategies, there was no established method that had proven successful over time. This lack of consistency made it difficult for the team to adapt and excel, as the ground beneath them was always shifting.
  • Demoralized Team Dynamics: The frequent changes and unproven strategies left the BDR team demoralized. As a result, the BDR team was engaging in very little productive work. Daily activities were reduced to almost none, and the team was booking very few meetings, essentially showing a flatline from an outbound perspective.
  • Low Lead Quality: The team was overwhelmed with poor-quality inbound demo requests and supposed MQLs, which were not only irrelevant but also demotivating due to their non-conversion. This led to distrust of marketing leads, which meant many leads were never worked or even disqualified from the pipeline.
  • Poor Data Hygiene: For a company with fewer than a hundred customers, the CRM was bloated with over a million contacts, the majority of whom were irrelevant and/or outdated. This made navigating the database challenging and creation of intelligent outbound lists near impossible. The system was also riddled with duplicate records and lacked fundamental data management practices such as validation rules, which led to significant inefficiencies and errors in the team’s operations.
  • Lack of Skills Training & Coaching: The BDRs had not received sufficient training to understand or succeed in their roles under the frequently changing strategies. There was a clear lack of individualized coaching and support that would equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge.

NFS undertook a comprehensive restructuring and revitalization effort for the BDR team.

Focusing on core issues identified during their initial assessment, NFS implemented several strategic, operational, and technical changes to overhaul the BDR operations.

Here's a detailed look at the interventions and methodologies NFS applied.

Strategic Overhaul and Process Redefinition

1. Implementing Effective Outbound Strategies

With extensive experience in current best practices for outbound prospecting, NFS established a campaign design & deployment process that increased the speed of feedback and learning from the market. They trained the recently promoted SDR Manager on how to run this process including the detailed documentation needed to maximize learning, and she excitedly rolled out new campaigns to the team.

2. Training and Development

  • Customized Training Programs: NFS developed tailored training programs aimed at enhancing the BDR team's skills in effective communication, lead handling, and use of sales technologies. These programs included role-playing, scenario-based training, and continuous learning modules to ensure skill adoption and mastery.
  • Ongoing Coaching and Support: NFS provided initial group training and individualized coaching to support the BDRs in implementing the new processes and to foster a proactive learning environment.

Operational Improvements and Data Management

3. Data System Overhaul

  • Database Cleanup: One of the first operational tasks was to dramatically reduce the size of the overly bloated database. NFS spearheaded the identification and removal of obsolete and duplicate records, streamlining the database to only include relevant and current data.
  • Enhanced Data Integrity: NFS implemented robust data validation rules and integration checks to ensure that the data used by the BDR team was accurate, relevant, and up-to-date, thus significantly reducing time wasted on managing poor quality data.

4. Lead Management Optimization

  • Improved Lead Qualification Criteria: NFS led the marketing team in revising the criteria for MQLs to enhance lead quality and reduce false positives. This involved setting stringent parameters for lead scoring and developing a clear distinction between qualified and unqualified leads.
  • Segmentation and Targeting: The BDR team and Marketing Ops manager were trained on more effective segmentation and targeting techniques to better identify and pursue high-potential leads, which helped in improving engagement rates and the overall quality of interactions.

Technical Enhancements and Tools Integration

5. Technology and Tools Streamlining

  • CRM System Optimization: NFS optimized the existing CRM system to better support the new top of funnel processes and data standards. This included custom configurations to enhance user experience and improve functionality relevant to the BDR team’s daily operations.
  • Introduction of Sales Enablement Tools: NFS introduced and integrated several sales enablement tools that automated and facilitated various sales tasks, including a custom GPT for writing high quality, personalized cold email copy.

6. Performance Tracking and Metrics Implementation

  • KPIs and Metrics Dashboards: Clear key performance indicators (KPIs) were established to measure the effectiveness of the BDR team regularly. NFS set up dashboards and reporting systems that provided real-time insights into each team member's performance, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability.
  • Regular Review and Feedback Cycles: To maintain momentum and ensure continuous improvement, NFS instituted regular review sessions where BDRs’ performances were evaluated against set KPIs, and constructive feedback was provided. NFS trained the SDR Manager on how to run the same processes internally, better enabling her to improve the performance of her team continually.

Rebuilding Team Dynamics and Morale

7. Enhancing Team Structure and Dynamics

  • Restructuring Team Roles: NFS redefined roles within the BDR team to ensure a clearer distribution of responsibilities and to align the team’s structure with the newly implemented processes.
  • Cultivating a Positive Work Environment: Through regular team-building activities and by establishing open lines of communication, NFS helped foster a more collaborative and supportive team environment, which was crucial in restoring morale and motivation.

The comprehensive strategies implemented by NFS not only addressed the immediate inefficiencies of the BDR team but also laid a foundation for sustained growth and success. Through structured processes, enhanced training, improved data management, and the strategic use of technology, NFS transformed the BDR team from a demoralized group into a cohesive, effective unit poised for success in their sales endeavors.

These efforts collectively revitalized the team’s dynamics, significantly boosted their productivity, and restored their confidence in both their individual capabilities and the team’s overall potential.

Ready to see what NFS can do for you and your team?